Languages and EAL

Languages Centre

Narrabundah College is very proud of its Languages program. We offer the following nine courses:

Translating and Interpreting Skills (TIS)

Students from the above nine languages background can also enrol in this course. It aims to give students with a native language other than English, the opportunity to improve their language skills through interpreter/translator techniques. Further, this is an opportunity to develop adult literacy in a community language. Thus the home language of a student can be more readily offered as a skill to an employer.

EAL (English as an Additional Language) (T/A)

Students eligible for EAL courses are those who have less than seven years of schooling in an English speaking environment.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

IB courses are available in Chinese, French, German (TBA), Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish. Students will be advised of the appropriate level (HL, SL or Ab initio) should they select for the IB.

More about Languages at Narrabundah

The language teachers at Narrabundah College are highly qualified and experienced.

Students can continue studying a language learned at high school and also take up a new language from scratch. Many Narrabundah students study two or more languages. More than 55% of the whole college population take up a language. Students can enter courses at different levels depending upon their previous language learning background. There are three entry points which are:

  1. Beginning Course

    Beginning Courses are designed for students with no prior or little knowledge of a language.

  2. Continuing Course

    Continuing Courses are for students who have completed four years of a language at high school or have some skills in a language spoken at home.

  3. Advanced Course

    Advanced Courses are for native speakers or other students with considerable skills in the chosen language. For instance, students who have spent time in the country where the language is spoken usually enrol in the advanced course where they can further improve on their skills.

    All students wishing to study a language or languages will be required to fill in the BSSS Languages Eligibility Form, so that students can be placed in the correct level.

Language students participate in a range of extra-curricular activities including:

Other Programs

Narrabundah College cater for a large number of International Private Students (IPS). They contribute to diversity and enhance the language programs at our college. There are designated coordinators who are in charge of the students' academic progress and well-being. Enrolment procedures must go through the International Education Unit (IEU) in the department.

Language policy (Narrabundah College).